Custom Attachments: Worktops, Cornice, Pelmet and Plinth

Attachment is a catch-all term for items that are automatically attached to your design i.e. worktop, cornice, pelmet and plinth.

Most units in ArtiCAD have some form of attachment. When you add a unit ArtiCAD works out the shape of the attachment for you and adds it to the design as part of that unit. The shape of the attachment will follow the shape of the unit.

You will encounter situations where you will need to specify the shape of the attachment yourself. For example:

NOTE - It is not always necessary to create a custom worktop. In many situations the Island Worktop is sufficient to create the worktop shape or colour you require. Don't make your design more complex than it needs to. Some examples of using Island Worktop are included at the end of this chapter.

Island Worktop (kitchen only)

To create an Island Worktop:

Base Units - Worktops and Breakfast Bars - Island Worktop

Width, Depth and Height off ground are specified same as for any other unit.

If you were to look at the worktop you are creating, front refers to the edge closest to you. Start refers to the left-most point of that edge. End refers to the right-most point.

Each corner of the worktop can be changed to one of four styles:

Once you have specified the dimensions and style of the worktop, click "OK" to add it to your design.

Example 1. Extending the worktop on an island.

Using the above plan as an example, we will extend the worktop from the back of the island by 300mm. We will also apply a radius to the corners.

Create the island worktop with the following values:

Click "OK" to add it onto your design. Position using Drag and Drop.

NOTE - The dimension for the width of the Island Worktop running along the back. In this example the back of the Island Worktop is against the back of the units making up the island.

Example 2. Replacing the worktop on an island with worktop in a different colour.

We will replace the worktop on the two units making up the island, as well as extending it by 300mm and radiusing the corners.

Remove the existing worktop by editing the units making up the island and un-selecting "Has Worktop". This will stop the new Island Worktop clashing with the default worktop. For more complex islands bear in mind that end panels and showback panels will also have worktop attached.

Click "OK" to add it onto your design. Position using Drag and Drop.

The colour of this Island Worktop has been set to "worktop2". The colour of "worktop2" can be changed under "This Design" - "Photo Realism Colours. For details on changing colours see Changing colours.

NOTE - the dimension for the width of the Island Worktop running along the back (the end with the radius). This way the dimension does not overlap the doors at the front of the island.

Custom Attachments

Custom attachments have many uses. These include (but are not limited to):

The method used to create the shape for your attachment outline is the same for all room systems.

Kitchen - Worktop or Panel
Kitchen - Cornice, Pelmet or Plinth
Bathroom - Worktop or Panel
Bathroom - Cornice, Pelmet or Plinth
Bedroom - Worktop or Panel
Bedroom - Cornice, Pelmet or Plinth

Choosing the Type of Attachment

Select the type of attachment you want to create.

The above image shows the options for the Custom Worktop in the Kitchen room system.

Custom-made Worktop
Creates a custom shaped piece of worktop using the colour "worktop" i.e. the default worktop colour.
Custom-made Worktop 2
Creates a custom shaped piece of worktop using the colour "worktop2". Use this to create pieces of worktop in a different colour/material to the default e.g. islands, butcher blocks.
Custom-made Worktop 3
Creates a custom shaped piece of worktop using the colour "worktop3". Same usage as Worktop 2.
Creates a custom shaped panel using the colour "custom_pan1". The height of the panel is determined by choosing the relevant style under "This Design" - "Attachments", "Custom panel".
Custom-panel - colour12
Same as "Custom panel" except it uses "colour12"

The above image shows the options for the Custom Shelf in the Kitchen room system.

Custom-made Shelf
Creates a custom shaped shelf. Has various options for colour, whether it has cornice attached etc.
Custom Cornice
Creates a free-floating piece of cornice. Has options for different colours. Used on designs with more than one range.
Custom Scribe
Creates a free-floating piece of ceiling scribe. Has options for different colours. Used on designs with more than one range.
Custom Light Pelmet
Creates a free-floating piece of pelmet. Has options for different colours. Used on designs with more than one range.
Custom Plinth
Creates a free-floating piece of plinth. Has options for different colours. Used on designs with more than one range.

Select the type of attachment you wish to create and click "OK".

Height Off Ground, Island, Colour

The properties of the attachment depend on the type you have selected.

The first image shows the properties for a Custom Worktop, the second shows properties for a Custom Cornice. The properties vary from attachment to attachment.

Height Off Ground
Distance from the floor to the underside of the attachment. For worktops this will default to the height of the base cabinets, for cornice the height of the tall units etc.
If selected the attachment will be created as a free-standing item. For worktops this means worktop edging will be drawn around all the sides of the item. For cornice, it means cornice will be drawn around all sides (and so on for pelmet, scribe etc). If unselected the last side that is drawn for this item will be assumed to be the "back" edge and will be left plain i.e. no edging, cornice etc.
Cornice Colour (or Pelmet colour or Plinth Colour etc)
The colour for this attachment. Default means it will use the same colour as the rest of the design (in this case "cornice"). Selecting "cornice2" or "cornice3" will use the colour "cornice2" or "cornice3" as appropriate.

Make any changes you require then click "Edit Points" to start drawing your new attachment.

IMPORTANT - clicking "OK" will skip the drawing step and place a zero-sized (i.e. 0 x 0) attachment onto your design.

Drawing the Attachment

The custom attachment drawing screen.

Zoom/pan Controls
Works the same as the controls in "Drag and Drop" - hold down the "Shift" and "Control" keys and the left mouse button to move/pan the plan around the screen, "Shift", "Control" and right mouse button to zoom in/out.

Mouse controls

When drawing your attachment (i.e. the mouse pointer has "New" below it):

When editing a completed attachment (i.e. the mouse pointer has "Edit" below it):

Keyboard Controls

When drawing the outline (i.e. the pointer shows "New"):

Holding down the escape ("Esc") key whilst drawing your outline will disable "Snap to grid". When you release the key, "Snap to grid" will resume. Also works when editing a complete outline.
Holding down the shift key will force the point you are drawing to snap to the nearest point, even if "Snap to grid" is de-activated. Also works when editing a complete outline.

When editing a complete outline (i.e. the pointer shows "Edit").

F1/F2 (with one or more points selected)
Radius the selected point(s). Defaults to 150mm radius. Press F1 to decrease the radius, F2 to increase. Both work in 10mm steps.
F3/F4 (with one or more radiused corners selected)
F3 decreases the smoothness of the radius, F4 increases the smoothness. May be required on larger radii (over 600mm).
F7 (with a point selected)
Selects the next point. Used to select multiple points. See example below.
Grabs the outline of the worktop. Same as pressing the "Grab Outline" button on the toolbar. See example below.
F9 (with a single point selected)
Only works on a corner that has been curved. Allows you to specify the exact radius. Same as right-clicking on a point and selecting "Specify radius...". See example below.
Control + Z
Undo the last change to your outline.
Control + Y
Redo i.e. undo your last undo.

The Custom Attachment Toolbar

Grid Spacing
Specifies the size of the scale grid.
Snap to Grid
Will force the points defining the outline of your attachment to snap to the nearest grid point.
Draw Dynamic Grid
If selected the scale grid will be drawn.
Perpendicular Constraint (lines)
When moving a side of an attachment, this option forces it to only move at right-angles to the direction of the side. Useful for extending worktops in a particular direction.
Slide to Fit
Changes the the way a corner is clipped. See example below.
Draw Background Plan
If selected your plan will be shown whilst drawing the attachment.
Start Again
Deletes the current outline and starts again. Can be pressed at anytime i.e. when drawing the outline or with a complete outline.
Grab Outline
Automatically creates a worktop that follows the outline of the units on the design. Press again to cycle through all available outlines i.e. if you have a run of units and an island, the first press will select the first run, the second press will select the island. IMPORTANT - Only works with custom worktops.
Minimise Markers
Used in conjunction with "Grab outline". Once you have selected the outline of your units, pressing "Minimise markers" will reduce the outline to the fewest number of points and still form the correct outline. See example below.
Zoom to Plan
Zooms the plan so the plan fits on the screen.
Zoom to Worktop
Zooms the plan so the current attachment outline fits on the screen.
Store Image
Stores the current view of the worktop screen. Can be retrieved via the "Images" button in "Page Layout" mode or "Window" - "Browse Images".
Keyboard Help
Displays the keyboard help section of this document.
Custom worktop Help
Displays this document.
Puts the attachment onto your design and returns to the main design screen.

You must draw a complete outline for your custom item. When you have a complete outline the mouse pointer will change from "New" to "Edit".

An outline must consist of a minimum of 3 seperate points. There is no upper limit on the size of an outline or the number of points making up the outline.

The above image shows the order in which the points were created (denoted by the red arrows), starting with point 1 and ending with point 5 (i.e. back where the outline started).

IMPORTANT - You must draw the outline anti-clockwise - if you draw clockwise you will find the dimensions for your attachment on the inside of the outline.

Edit Points - Moving, Deleting, Clipping and Curving

You must have a complete outline before being able to edit it i.e. it says "Edit" and not "New" under the mouse pointer.

Right-click on a point to bring up the following options:

Set Snap Latitude/longitude
Moves the horizontal (latitude) or vertical (longitude) origin of the grid to the horizontal/vertical position of the current point.
Set as Snap Origin
Moves both the horizontal and vertical origin of the grid to the position of the current point.
Move Point(s)
move the current selected point(s) by a specified amount. Enter the distance to move in the dialog box that appears. To move to the left or down the screen, enter a negative value.
Precise Clip
prompts for a distance to clip (or cut back) the selected corner.
clips (or cuts back) the currently selected corner. The distance cut back is half the length of the shorted side leading into the selected point.
Delete Point
delete the currently selected point. The outline will then be re-drawn without the selected point.
Curve Corner
curves the currently selected corner. Defaults to a 200mm radius. Radius can be increased by dragging the curve to the desired size. See example below.

Right-click on a side to bring up the following options:

Align Grid
Aligns the grid to the selected side. Also moves the grid origin to the start of the selected side.
Move Side...
Moves the selected side by a specified amount. See example below. Alternatively the side can be moved by holding down the left mouse button and dragging into postion.
Square Off
Returns a clipped corner to it's original shape.
Add Radius
Turns the selected side into a semi-circle. Uses half the side length as the radius. See example below.
Break in Half
DFivides the currently selected side into two sections. Splits the side in the middle.
Break Here
Divides the currently selected side into two sections. Splits the side wherever the mouse was right-clicked.

Changing the Shape Of the Attachment Profile

This is covered in Setting Up Your Design - Attachments. The attachment you need to change will depend on which attachment you select i.e. if you are using "worktop2" change the attachment for "Worktop2", if you are using "plinth3" change "Plinth3".


Moving a point

Method 1 - Drag with the mous.

Move your mouse over the point you wish to move. A box will appear around the point (as shown above). Hold down the left-mouse button and drag the point into position. NOTE - if "Snap to grid" is selected, the point will jump to the nearest grid-square.

Method 2 - Specifying the distance to move.

Move your mouse pointer over the point you wish to move. A box will appear around the point (shown above). Right-click on the point and select "Move Points...".

Specify the distance, in millimeters, you wish the point to move. To move to the left or down the screen, enter a negative value. NOTE - the point will not snap to the nearest grid square, even if "Snap to grid" is selected.

Both of the above methods work with multiple points selected. See "Selecting multiple points".

Moving a Side

Method 1 - Drag with the mouse.

Move your mouse over the side you wish to move. The side will turn red (as shown above). Hold down the left-mouse button and drag the side into position. NOTE - if "Snap to grid" is selected, the side will jump to the nearest grid-square.

Method 2 - Specifying the distance to move.

Move your mouse pointer over the side you wish to move. The side will turn red (shown above). Right-click on the side and select "Move Line...".

Specify the distance, in millimeters, you wish the side to move. "Sideways" is relative to the direction the side is running in. "Out" will move the side away from the center of the outline. In the above example a positive sideways value will move the side down, and negative value will move it up. A positive out value will move it to the left, and negative value to the right. NOTE - the side will not snap to the nearest grid square, even if "Snap to grid" is selected.

Selecting Multiple Points

There are two methods for selecting multiple points on your outline. You must have a complete outline to select points i.e. it says "Edit" beneath the mouse pointer. Once you have multiple points selected, any changes made will be applied to all the selected point.

Method 1 - Using the keyboard. Select one of the points making up your outline. Pressing "F7" will select the next point (based on the order the points were initially drawn) as well as the point currently selected. Press again to select the next point, and so on until you have all the points you require selected.

Method 2 - Using the mouse. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse. Drag the select box around all the points you wish to edit, then release the mouse button.

Deleting a Point

Move your mouse over the point you wish to delete. Right-click and select "Delete Point". The outline will then redraw itself without that point.

In this example, we will delete the bottom-left point.

Clipping a Point

This example will cover the various ways of clipping a corner on your attachment.

Starting with the following outline

We will clip the top-right corner.

Method 1 - Right-click on the corner you wish to clip and select "Clip".

The corner has been clipped by half the length of the shortest side leading into the selected corner i.e. the 600mm running down the right-hand side of the outline.

Method 2 - Right-click on the corner you wish to clip and select "Precise Clip...". You will then be prompted for the distance you wish to clip the corner back. In the above image the clip distance was set to 300.

Slide to fit - if selected on the Custom Attachment Toolbar, you can re-size the clipped corner by holding down the left-mouse button and dragging the corner to the correct size. If "slide to fit" is not selected, the clipped corner will behave as a normal side of an outline.

"Slide to fit" has the same effect on clipped corners created using "Clip" or "Precise Clip...".

Clipped corner dragged left then right with "Slide to fit" selected.

Clipped corner dragged left then right without "Slide to fit" selected.

Radius a Point

Right-click on the corner you wish to radius and select "Curve corner".

There are two methods of adjusting the size of the radius.

Note that the original corner (circled in red) remains even after the corner has been radiused.

Method 1 - Select the corner you wish to radius. Press "F1" to create the initial radius (defaults to 150mm). Press "F1" to reduce the radius, "F2" to increase.

Method 2 - Right-click on the corner and select "Specify radius" or alternatively select the corner and press "F9".

Enter the required radius and click "OK".

You can mix the two methods as required e.g. right-click on the corner to create the curve, then use F1/F2 change the size.

These methods also apply when multiple points are selected.

Radius a Side

Right-click on the side you wish to radius and select "Add radius".

There are two methods of adjusting the size of the radius.

Method 1 - drag the radius selector (circled in red, above) to the required radius.

Method 2 - right-click on the radius selector (circled in red, above) and select "Specify radius".

Enter the required radius and click "OK".

The radius defaults to half the length of the selected side. To create a gentle curve or bow-front style worktop, increase the radius. The below image shows a 600 radius. The exact value of the radius will vary according to the size of the outline.

Selecting "External Radius" will create a circular addition to the outline, based on the specified radius. If the radius is too small this option will automatically turn itself off.

Override segments allows you to change the number of steps used to create the external radius outline. More steps gives a smoother outline, fewer steps gives a faceted look.

Grab Outline

Using the below design, we will replace the worktop on the island (3 x 400 units) and extend it to create a simple breakfast bar.

Start a new Custom Worktop. Use "Custom-made worktop 2" and select "Island" before clicking on "Edit points".

Click on the "Grab Outline" button on the Custom Atrtachment toolbar until the outline of the island is selected.

Note that the long sides of the outline are made up of three 400 lengths of worktop, not a single piece. Click on "Minimize markers" to reduce the outline to the minimum number of pieces.

Extend the worktop over the back of the units by 300mm. Right-click on the side, select "Move line..." and specify a "Distance to move out" of 300.

Apply a radius to the corners of the overhanging worktop. Right-click on the corner and select "Curve Corner".

Add the newly created worktop onto the design by clicking "Finish".

To change the colour of the worktop, click "This Design" - "Photo Realism Colours" and edit "worktop2".

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